The Company

„JÓZEFÓW SAD” Sp. z o.o. has been established by eight orchard owners in 2008. They met years before, while working in close cooperation producing and selling fruits at their own holdings. At the same time, they identified the need of setting up the producers’ group.

The implementation of the undertaking was preceded with numerous meetings, at which, scopes of professional operations and types of services of the company has been discussed. „Józefów Sad” was the first project of the kind in the region of Opole Lubelskie.

Our organization brings over 154 agricultural holdings together. That gives us more than 1100ha of orchards. Thru past and current activities, we managed to establish our position on the market as being professional, reliable and trustworthy partner. As fruit producer, we are well known for making every effort to meet all expectations and demands of our clients. What is more, to prepare products of highest quality.

To make it possible, we recently made some very serious investments, of which the most important, was building our new distribution and warehousing centre in Józefów nad Wisłą.

The operational centre has been equipped in automated fruit sorting line by Aweta, our own automated cardboard carton making machine and warehousing space with ULO (Ultra Low Oxygen) chambers with controlled atmosphere.

In the early stages of operation, we focused on locally based clients. However, thanks to continuous growth on the market, we managed to attract some big national and international clients, too.

Would you like to work with us? Contact us at.

Healthy season!

Here at „Józefów Sad” we grow our own apples, pears, cherries, berries, plums and rhubarb. We pride ourselves on having Józefów Apple put on Traditional Produce List, thus, receiving GLOBAL G.A.P. certificate.